Compress 2 Impress

Not convinced yet?
Send us your large video file and we will send you the file back with a compression rate up to 99,7% and without loss of visual quality. Send your file with Wetransfer directly to our email address.

File too large for Wetransfer?
Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

    Got a question?

    Get your answer

    Find answers to commonly asked questions about our solutions. However, if you can not find the answer to your question you can always contact us.

    Do I need a new player?

    No, because every standard player plays MP4 and other most common formats. For HLS you need a HLS video player.

    Do I need to buy new software?

    No, you don't need to buy new software.

    Do I need to buy new hardware?

    You need MAC OS.

    What is the output format?

    MP4, TS, MOV, AV1 and/or HLS.

    More information about our solutions?

    Cut the costs, not the quality.