Compress 2 Impress
Not convinced yet?
Send us your large video file and we will send you the file back with a compression rate up to 99,7% and without loss of visual quality. Send your file with Wetransfer directly to our email address.
File too large for Wetransfer?
Contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Got a question?
Get your answer
Find answers to commonly asked questions about our solutions. However, if you can not find the answer to your question you can always contact us.
Do I need a new player?
No, because every standard player plays MP4 and other most common formats. For HLS you need a HLS video player.
Do I need to buy new software?
No, you don't need to buy new software.
Do I need to buy new hardware?
You need MAC OS.
What is the output format?
MP4, TS, MOV, AV1 and/or HLS.
Head Office
Lage Kanaaldijk 115
6212 NA Maastricht
The Netherlands